1:1 Healing

In a one-on-one session, you can experience a private shamanic ceremony from anywhere in the world. Kalianne’s practice transcends physical boundaries, as she works with your holistic energy body across space and time. Through the transmission of high-frequency sound and light vibrations at a quantum level, she facilitates the release of suffering and the restoration of your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Kalianne deeply attunes to your energy and the communication of your Soul's wisdom, guiding your healing journey with precision. Your specific healing intention shapes the optimal path for your session. Prior to each session, there is a communication exchange to ensure alignment with your needs. Once you surrender, the healing energies work beyond the confines of rational thought.

Upon the session's conclusion, Kalianne provides a multidimensional account of the events. Many individuals report an immediate sense of feeling 'lighter' after a session, with results continuing to unfold in their lives over time, often in an accelerated manner.

Session of Light

1 Healing Session | 60 minutes ✧ $333

  • In a Session of Light with Kalianne, you embark on a journey of deep relaxation and accelerated energy transformation, inspiring shifts in your consciousness to enrich your life experience.

    Within the sacred container of a Session of Light, you can anticipate a multifaceted experience tailored to your individual needs and intentions. This transformative journey may include various practices, such as:

    Cord Release: Liberating yourself from energetic attachments that no longer serve your highest good.

    Soul Retrieval: Reclaiming fragmented aspects of your Soul to achieve wholeness.

    Toxic Energy Clearing: Purging toxic energies that have accumulated within your being.

    Release of Energetic Blockages: Clearing energetic blockages to restore the free flow of energy for holistic wellbeing.

    Chakra Rebalancing: Harmonizing and revitalizing your energy centers for enhanced equilibrium.

    Trauma Healing: Nurturing past wounds with profound care and tenderness.

    Energetic Restoration: Reigniting your vital life force and rejuvenating your energetic essence.

    Cellular Rejuvenation: Stimulating renewal at the cellular level for vibrant vitality.

    Reconnection with Sensuality: Rediscovering your sensual nature and sacred connection to your body.

    Shedding Limiting Energy: Letting go of energy patterns that inhibit your potential.

    Healing Emotional Wounds: Providing solace and healing to emotional wounds.

    Spiritual Growth: Through rituals, ceremonies, and visionary experiences, shamanic healing facilitates spiritual growth, deepening your understanding of your inner self.

    Holistic Healing: Addressing the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of healing to inspire comprehensive wellbeing.

    Enhanced Intuition: Clients often report increased intuition and heightened awareness of subtle energies following healing sessions, as they clear their energy and elevate their vibration.

    In addition to energy healing, each transformative session includes heartfelt one-on-one conversations with Kaliáine. These dialogues dissolve toxic thoughts and emotions, nurturing seeds of inner peace, lightness, wellbeing, and harmonious living.

    Each Session of Light lasts 60 minutes and encompasses talking, shamanic ceremony, and sound healing.

  • Kalianne Kavara's Sessions of Light offer a profound array of transformative experiences, meticulously crafted to guide you on your journey to healing, self-discovery, and empowerment. Here are some remarkable transformations and benefits you can expect:

    Emotional Healing: Release and heal emotional wounds, fostering greater emotional balance and resilience.

    Release of Toxic Thoughts and Feelings: Let go of burdensome toxic thoughts and emotions, making space for clarity and positivity.

    Trauma Clearing: Gently address past traumas, freeing yourself from their lingering effects and finding inner peace.

    Unblocking Limitations: Break free from self-imposed limitations and energetic blockages hindering your personal growth.

    Release of Cords, Entities, Vampires, Contracts, Break Curses, and Detrimental Energy: Dissolve energetic attachments and contracts, liberating your energy for your highest good.

    Liberation from Trapped Pain and Suffering: Find relief from physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual suffering, experiencing a sense of liberation.

    Increase in Energetic Vitality: Replenish your energy reserves and enhance your overall vitality.

    Chakra Balancing/Healing: Harmonize and heal your energy centers for greater balance and alignment.

    Inner Child Restoration: Nourish and heal your inner child, fostering emotional well-being and self-compassion.

    Ancestral Clearing: Address ancestral patterns and clear ancestral energies affecting your present life.

    Accessing Self-Worth, Self-Love, and Self-Belief: Cultivate a deeper sense of self-worth, self-love, and self-belief, empowering you to embrace your potential.

    Re-engagement of Sensuality, Creativity, and Source Power: Reconnect with your sensuality, creativity, and inner Source power.

    Soul Retrieval: Reclaim fragmented aspects of your Soul, achieving profound wholeness and self-awareness.

    Healing a Deep-Seated Emotional Wound: Tenderly heal and transform deep-seated emotional wounds, experiencing profound emotional liberation.

    Bespoke Attention to Healing: Receive tailored healing to address your unique needs, integrating your past, releasing illusions, and restoring wholeness.

  • Distance Healing Sessions are conducted via Zoom Video.

    For in-person sessions, please refer to the 'Local Ireland' application form.

Power of the Pentagram

5 Healing Sessions | 60 minutes each ✧ $1555

  • Embarking on a series of five healing sessions to harness the power of the sacred pentagram is a transformative journey that yields profound benefits for energy healing.

    Each session corresponds to a point on the pentagram, symbolizing the elements of earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. Through this holistic approach, individuals delve into the intricate layers of their inner selves, gradually unraveling emotional, mental, and spiritual blockages to empower their sacred center and illuminate consciousness.

    This journey resembles a symphony of restoration, with each session resonating with a different aspect of the self, resulting in an alchemical fusion of rejuvenation and empowerment.

    As participants progress through the five sessions, they unlock latent potential guided by their healing intention, harmonizing their energies and emerging with newfound balance and vitality for accelerated healing and enhanced manifestation abilities.

    The sacred pentagram, steeped in ancient wisdom, serves as a guiding beacon on this profound healing voyage, uniting the self in a harmonious exploration of self-discovery and personal transformation.

    Each session lasts 60 minutes and encompasses dialogue, shamanic ceremony, and sound healing.

  • The transformative potential of the Pentagram healing container unfolds in alignment with your healing intention, manifesting benefits that resonate with your desires for manifestation. In addition to your intentions, Kalianne invites additional directives into the healing space for your highest good and the highest good of all involved. Refer to the Session of Light benefits for further details.

    With this approach, anticipate miracles as you embark on your healing journey within the sacred Pentagram container.

  • Distance Healing Sessions are conducted via Zoom Video.

    For in-person sessions, please refer to the 'Local Ireland' application form.

Spiritual Mentorship

3 Months | 12 Healing & Spiritual Mentorship Sessions Container | 75 minute sessions ✧ $5555

A spiritual mentorship offers an immersive period of healing and accelerated evolution tailored to your specific healing intention. Unlike a standard healing session lasting an hour, a mentorship provides longer sessions and a dedicated container where you are energetically held and guided through profound energetic activation and transformation. Within this container, you benefit from direct consciousness sharing with Kalianne Kavara, who leads you through weekly shamanic healing ceremonies. Alongside these ceremonies, you receive personalized mentorship, coaching, and ongoing energetic support. This comprehensive approach ensures that your journey is not only transformative but also gracefully guides you towards stabilized elevation and growth.

  • Kalianne Kavara's Spiritual Mentorship is a deeply transformative growth container designed to guide you through a three-month journey of profound healing, self-discovery, and empowerment, customized to meet your unique healing needs and intentions. This sacred mentorship experience goes beyond traditional healing sessions, as you not only receive healing but also learn energy healing techniques to support your ongoing personal growth in an authentically self-empowered manner.

    During the mentorship, you are guided to transcend your current paradigm, releasing limitations to access your inner power and unlocking your highest potential for growth in a stable manner. You are supported in overcoming obstacles and embracing your true self as you ascend into a new paradigm of reality.

    Through this journey, you emerge forever transformed. The mentorship serves as a powerful rite of passage, where wisdom is transmitted to inspire awakening within you, leading to quantum leaps in your personal growth. By choosing to show up and open to receive, you receive high-dimensional light codes to support your healing and consciousness evolution.

    Throughout this transformative journey, you will receive:

    Weekly 75-Minute Video Calls: Engage in private video sessions with Kaliáine, where you'll receive personal guidance, deep discussions, and participate in private ceremonies for high-level healing.

    Energetic Protection and Support: Benefit from behind-the-scenes energetic support and guidance from Kaliáine, as she holds a sacred container for your growth, ensuring your protection and advancement.

    Tailored Practices: Receive advanced and customized practices aimed at nurturing your personal and spiritual growth, guiding you along your unique path towards self-empowerment.

    Lifestyle Coaching: Gain insights and coaching on lifestyle choices that enhance your overall well-being, promoting spiritual growth and tremendously beneficial personal transformation.

    Personalized Support: Have your questions answered and receive individualized support tailored to your specific needs and goals.

    And Much More: Experience the depth and richness of this transformative journey, which offers profound insights, healing, and empowerment as you navigate the layers of deep healing encompassing the mind, body, and Soul.

    Each session lasts 75 minutes and involves dialogue, shamanic ceremony, sound healing, mentorship coaching, and behind-the-scenes energetic support and protection.

  • The Spiritual Mentorship is a transformative 12-week journey of learning and healing with Kalianne Kavara, designed to accelerate your personal growth and reconnect you with your inner wisdom, empowering you to authentically rise into your full potential.

    Throughout this profound journey, you will:

    Engage in Consciousness Sharing: Weekly sessions with Kalianne will address your unique healing needs, creating a sacred space for your evolution and serving as catalysts for profound personal growth.

    Experience Healing: Break free from limiting patterns, propelling yourself into a higher-dimensional reality and experiencing a healed existence as miracles enter your life.

    Address Limiting Beliefs: Every aspect of your healing journey will be addressed, providing you with tools and knowledge for lifelong health and wellness, empowering you to heal yourself.

    Partake in Transformational Ceremonies: Engage in a series of ceremonies guiding you through profound personal growth, raising your vibration across various aspects of your being and reaching new heights of transformation.

    Becoming a Living Temple: Working with Kalianne allows you to open doors for your consciousness expansion, shifting your energy in ways that must be experienced to be believed.

    Empowerment Beyond the Mind: Move beyond the confines of the mind, learning to live in flow, navigate life's challenges with strength and endurance, and confidently connect with your divinity, emerging as a radiant light in this world.

    Transformation into New Heights: Undergo a profound transformation over three months, believing in yourself more deeply, walking your highest path, overcoming challenges, embodying your divine essence, and living from your heart, fully empowered.

    Receive Energy: Receive higher vibrational energy and awaken your own, emerging empowered and ready to embrace your fullest potential and live a life aligned with your true purpose.

    Through this container, you will emerge as a powerful, radiant being, fully prepared to embrace your highest potential and live a life aligned with your true purpose.

  • Distance Healing Sessions are conducted via Zoom Video.

    For in-person sessions, please refer to the 'Local Ireland' application form.

KA Method® 1:1

6 Months | 3 Part Healing & Spiritual Coaching Container | 75 minute sessions ✧ $444 each

Part 1: Chakras | 7 Session Container

Part 2: Tree of Life | 10 Session Container

Part 3: Subtle Energy Bodies | 7 Session Container

The KA Method® is a 7th-dimensional energy healing modality that facilitates Soul embodiment. You are guided through deep healing at each key energy center of your subtle energy body architecture to strengthen your energy system, enabling you to achieve the depth of your power and embody your spiritual light potential. This process supports spiritual awakening and alignment with your Soul purpose.

In 1:1 KA Method® sessions we deep dive into the realm of your subconscious, ancestral lineages, past trauma, and personal karma to clear and restore your energy at every important nodal point of your consciousness to awaken and empower the core of your being. Each personalized session involves transformational coaching and spiritual mentorship tailored to your bespoke energy healing needs across multidimensional levels of your consciousness, facilitating tailored personal and spiritual development.

  • The KA Method® offers profound benefits that include remembering who you are and living your purpose. When you embody your Soul, miracles unfold in your life because your full expression acts as a beacon, magnetizing what is meant for you.

    This method inspires ascension, signifying your attainment of a higher level of being. Through achieving a higher vibration, you may experience elevated states of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing, including joy, peace, abundance, and true love.

    You can engage in the KA Method® in parts or all at once within a potent 6-month container:

    Part 1: Elevating Your 7 Chakras - 7 sessions (for the 13 Chakra-Star activations join the group container)

    Part 2: Awakening Your 10 Tree of Life Sephira - 10 sessions

    Part 3: Stabilizing Your 6 Subtle Energy Bodies - 6 sessions (for the 7 Subtle Energy Bodies join the group container)

    Each session focuses on one of your energy centers, activating it from latency to its present potential. The process involves awakening the stabilization of your chakras at higher vibrations, grounding your tree of life into present embodiment to embody your Soul, and cleansing your subtle energy bodies to activate the advanced structure of your energy body and inspire ascension.

    As we collectively ascend and raise our vibration, entering the paradigm of the New Earth becomes achievable. Stabilizing the architecture of your light body is crucial for healthy energetic boundaries, facilitating sovereignty and authentic self-empowerment.

    This high-level healing and initiation container grants holistic coherence, helping you remember who you are so you can live your purpose.

    You Receive:

    • Weekly ceremonial healings with spiritual mentorship coaching

    • Behind-the-scenes energetic protection and energy work

    • Consciousness sharing container for energetic support

    • Guidance to into ascension

    • Bespoke, targeted healing on your individual energetic needs for evolution

    • Taught practices to support your personal growth

    • Bespoke, tailored healing to meet your multidimensional healing needs, including ancestral

    You can complete 1 level at a time

    Those who have completed this process have shed layers of density trapping them in suffering in an accelerated way and blown through obstacles to manifest their dream life.

    To enter the group container, see KA Method

    Each session is 75 minutes involving high-level healing initiations, talking, shamanic ceremony, sound healing, mentorship coaching, and behind-the-scenes energetic support and protection.

  • This high-level healing container provides a transformative journey where you engage in consciousness sharing and receive high frequencies of energy through a process of healing and initiation. Over the course of 6 months, you are guided to embody your highest light potential, resulting in profound transformations in your consciousness and enriching your life experience.

    Those who have completed this container have experienced the structuring of their energy body into a coherent architecture. This process inspires the embodiment of more of their Soul light into their present form, strengthening boundaries, eliciting sovereignty, and leading to mental clarity, inner power, and a deepened sense of fulfillment. These attributes contribute significantly to magnetizing their dream life with ease and joy.

  • Distance Healing Sessions are conducted via Zoom Video.

    For in-person sessions, please refer to the 'Local Ireland' application form.

Enter Sacred Space with Kalianne

What People Are Saying


“Both my partner and I have been working with Kalianne and have experienced profound transformations. She feels like a miracle that walked into my life, after the first session I felt the depressive energies I had shift and found myself feeling joy and like myself again, after the second session I felt all my old emotions shift and like I had my relationship back again. After just a couple of sessions I feel like I’m living a completely different better life thanks to her and I can’t wait to see what will come after more sessions with her. As a channel and spiritual teacher myself, Kalianne stands out as an incredibly powerful healer and I can not recommend her work enough. Her medicine is exactly what we are all needing right now.”

— Athina B, Spiritual Teacher

“Working with Kalianne has been nothing short of miraculous. In a few sessions I’ve been able to release past trauma associated with losing my Dad and not feeling safe, nor loved, as well as transform into feeling fully embodied. This has also translated into a physical experience where I was able to deeply orgasm for the first time, which has led me to feel deep love for myself and my body. It is hard to put into words but it feels like for the first time I am an empowered woman.”

— Annie W, Director Bhakti Marga Foundation

Kalianne really impressed me as being the real deal. Not only could she find physical issues that were holding me back, she found and corrected the blockages to allow me to function better. She also correctly identified emotional issues currently going on in my family that I didn’t even know about, but when I checked in with the family member, I found out there was indeed something going on. Because of Kalianne’s work, I was so happy to be able to start the conversation to help the family member start to heal. I found my sessions with Kalianne to be of tremendous benefit.”

— Alix M, Health Strategist

See Client Agreements, Here.