KA Method®

Unlock Your Soul Potential

About The KA Method®

The KA Method® is a 7th-dimensional energy healing modality that facilitates Soul embodiment. You are guided through deep healing at each key energy center of your subtle energy body architecture to strengthen your energy system, enabling you to achieve the depth of your power and embody your spiritual light potential. This process supports spiritual awakening and alignment with your Soul purpose.

Benefits of The KA Method®

  • Stabilize Healthy Energetic Boundaries

  • Strengthen Your Subtle Energy Body

  • Access Higher States of Consciousness

  • Transition from a Fear-Based to a Love-Based Paradigm

  • Restore Inner Peace, Power, and Purpose

  • Attract Greater Abundance by Raising Your Vibration

What Makes The KA Method® Unique?

  • Focus on Subtle Energy Body Architecture: Rooted in ancient wisdom, The KA Method® distinguishes itself from traditional energy healing modalities like Reiki by focusing on the comprehensive architecture of your subtle energy body. While practices like Reiki primarily address the vitality of the subtle energy body anchored by the chakras, The KA Method® works with the 13 chakras, the 10 Sephira of the Tree of Life, and all 7 subtle energy bodies that compose your multidimensional energy field. This approach ensures the healing, activation, and stabilization of the entire energy system, fostering coherence.

  • Balanced Healing: The KA Method® offers a balanced approach by addressing both the ‘above’ and ‘below’ energy centers. This comprehensive healing process restores, regenerates, and reclaims the full spectrum of your consciousness, allowing for the integration of energy centers that have remained latent for millennia—particularly those below the root chakra, which have historically been feared and overlooked. By reclaiming these forgotten aspects, The KA Method® empowers you to achieve a more complete and balanced state of being.

  • Embodied Spiritual Awakening: Emphasizing a grounded approach to spiritual awakening, The KA Method® supports the embodiment of your highest light potential while maintaining a strong connection to your body. This method facilitates grounded ascension, enabling you to experience higher dimensional perception while fully embracing and loving your human experience here and now.

What is 7D Energy Healing

7th dimensional energy healing directly engages with higher spiritual realms, drawing upon their resources to facilitate healing and attunements to elevated dimensions within ourselves. This realm is often viewed as pure light, where deeper mysteries of the soul, cosmic wisdom, and universal truths can be accessed. This modality focuses on aligning and activating the higher spiritual aspects of the self, integrating not only physical and emotional layers but also divine aspects of consciousness. By dissolving ego-driven limitations, it aligns individuals with their true spiritual essence and divine blueprint. Through The KA Method®, 7D energy healing reconnects individuals with their highest spiritual potential, unlocking their soul's mastery and fostering a deeper embodiment of their light. This process extends beyond personal healing to encompass planetary and cosmic service, contributing to collective ascension and the expansion of higher frequencies on Earth. Ultimately, it empowers personal sovereignty, granting access to one's deepest power and highest light potential.

The Power of a Group Healing Container

The KA Method® group container is akin to an ancient Temple training program, brought to light in a modern way. Held at astrologically significant times, the group that forms is always in Soul resonance and the shared power of intention allows for higher forces of energy to enter and assist the accelerated healing of each individual in the group. This usually inspires initiatory processes to take place and while there is a set curriculum and healing path, the energy healing potential is a mystery that always defies the known and presents unique opportunities for rapid growth and development each time. The KA Method® is also offered as 1:1 sessions, which is less of a school framework and more of a personalized coaching container, where we address your bespoke personal and spiritual growth needs. It is in the group container that I teach the advanced self-activation practices, multidimensional protection methods, and how to construct the coherence of your energy body to embody your highest energy potential for the ascension into the new paradigm now.

Becoming a KA Method® Healer

After completing Levels 1, 2, and 3 of the KA Method®, you may choose to enter Healer Training. In this program you will receive further attunements to refine your light body to stabilize your channel of divine light.

In the Healer Training you will receive:

  • Merkaba Light Body Activation: An activation to refine your astral body to awaken your Merkaba light body, an empowered vehicle for astral travel, and multidimensional healing.

  • Attunement to the White Light Christ Flame: An attunement to the pure frequency of the divine white light Christ flame, along with supporting attunements to the 12 rays of light to support your complete spectrum of light realization.

  • Activation of 7D Light Codes: You will receive attunements to the 7th dimensional light codes of activation for each key energy center and subtle energy body to enable you to support the light revelation of personal sovereignty for others on their journey of healing and spiritual awakening.

What is the Ka?

In ancient Egyptian spirituality, the 'Ka' represents a vital aspect of the Soul, known as the individual's etheric double that remains latent on a higher spiritual plane. To fully embody the 'Ka,' one must consciously cultivate and strengthen their subtle energy body to elevate their vibrational frequency, achieving unity with their 'Ka'—also referred to as their spiritual body of light or Higher Self. This process, known as Soul embodiment, is believed to open the path to living one’s Soul purpose.


Awakening the Spiritual Potential of Your Chakra-star System

  • Dates: August 20th - November 12th

  • Duration: 13 Weeks

  • Schedule: Every Tuesday

  • Time: 7am PST | 3pm Irish Time (60 minutes)

  • Location: Zoom Video Live Sessions (Recorded)

  • Energy Exchange: $1111 USD (Payment plan & financial assistance available)

The KA Method® offers an advanced approach to chakra healing that transcends traditional modalities, such as Reiki. During the 13-week course, you will be guided through a multidimensional purification and activation process for each of your thirteen chakra energy centers. This deeply profound cleansing process, paired with a high frequency light attunements, aims to liberate your chakra’s star-light potential, raising your holistic vibration, giving you access to your primal and celestial power from both Below and Above in equal measure to inspire holistic coherence and the conscious attainment of your spiritual energy potential. This process encourages significant personal and spiritual development.

Why Chakra Awakening is Important

Your chakras serve as conduits for your energy and consciousness. Negative energies trapped in any of your chakras can impede this flow, leading to suffering, illness, and a sense of disconnection. By releasing these blockages, you can transmute the shadow qualities of the chakras into their higher-frequency light expression. This transformation is a reintegration process that enhances your overall well-being, providing groundedness, safety, creativity, empowered sensuality, confidence, love, the ability to communicate your truth, self-belief, and many more positive expressions of reclaiming your innate power. We will also be activating chakras you may not have conscious awareness of outside of the traditional 7, chakras that have been left latent to the uninitiated. This reclamation is a rememberance that creates a deepening of power and an expansion of consciousness as you elevate your level of awareness into higher and deeper realms of self-realization.

Benefits Can Include

  • Heightened Intuition: Enhanced connection to your inner Self, which empowers your intuition.

  • Increased Inner Peace: A profound sense of tranquility and harmony within as your energy is healed, restored, and regenerated across the multidimensional scope of your being.

  • Deeper Spiritual Connection: As you reclaim more of your energy into your consciousness, you spiritual relationship with your Higher Self and Guides strengthens. You may develop a stronger sense of the subtle realms.

  • Greater Sense of Purpose: Clearer energy provides greater clarity, supporting your understanding of your life’s mission and goals.

  • Reclaiming Your Body as a Temple: You are guided through the refinement of your energy to reclaim your body as a Temple on Earth to serve your divine purpose by first awakening and activating your inner sanctuary. This fosters a sense of deep inner connection and embodiment, and serves to empower elevated consciousness.


Grounding the Spiritual Potential of your tree of life into embodiment

  • Dates: TBC

  • Duration: 10 Weeks

  • Schedule: TBC

  • Time: TBC

  • Location: Zoom Video Live Sessions (Recorded)

  • Energy Exchange: TBC (Payment plan & financial assistance available)

Your tree of life represents the core architecture of your Soul. It is a higher vibrational energy grid comprised of power centers hidden in latency within your energy field until you activate them into your present potential, unleashing your spiritual intelligence. Veiled in mystery, this process of embodiment accelerates your spiritual development. Once activated, the power of your tree of life energy centers begin to transform your consciousness into higher states of awareness, which may have a very beneficial impact on your reality. The codes for wellness are within your inner world and so when you liberate the power of your energy body, you may become well once again.

Grounding your tree of life into your present awareness may feel like fortifying your healthy boundaries, and you may also feel as though you have come home to yourself, as the most innate essence of who you are returns into your conscious awareness. This grants you greater clarity of your divine purpose.

Each of the ten sessions focuses on cleansing one of your tree of life energy centers so it may be restored out of latency into your present potential. These are extremely potent energy centers that refine your holistic energy body so you may embody your Soul light, known as your ‘Ka,’ which once embodied, may elevate your consciousness. Your tree of life can remain dormant for lifetimes, so embodying it now is a resurrection of your potential.


Raise your Holistic Vibration

  • Dates: TBC

  • Duration: 7 Weeks

  • Schedule: TBC

  • Time: TBC

  • Location: Zoom Video Live Sessions (Recorded)

  • Energy Exchange: TBC (Payment plan & financial assistance available)

Level 3 of the KA Method®, ASCENSION, focuses on elevating your holistic vibration by purifying and harmonizing your 7 subtle energy bodies, which are your fields of consciousness. Each of these subtle energy bodies exists at a different scale of vibration and contributes specific qualities of your consciousness, such as thoughts and emotions. When purified, each subtle energy body becomes a gateway to the next higher level of of consciousness vibration within your awareness. Achieving coherence across all of your subtle energy bodies can stabilize the complete matrix of your higher dimensional self-awareness. This conscious cultivation of your subtle energy bodies allows you to embody your Ka—your Soul light that is your spiritual energy body of golden light, providing many benefits, which may include spiritual growth, inner peace, greater love, enhanced awareness, a sense of purpose, and much more...

Along with energy healing and attunements you will receive original yogic flow sequences that support you in awakening the power of your subtle energy within the body for you to realize your full energy potential here and now. This process may benefit:

  • Cellular Regeneration: Healing at the cellular level to restore vitality and health.

  • Awakening Light Codes within DNA: Activating dormant potential within your DNA to enhance your spiritual evolution.

  • Opening Etheric Energy Pathways: Enabling the flow of greater life force energy throughout your being.

  • Deep Healing: Releasing old patterns and trauma somatically from the body to foster emotional and mental freedom.

  • Energetic Protection and Boundaries: Strengthening your energetic field to maintain inner peace and prevent external disruptions.

  • Quantum Frequencies: Tapping into multidimensional energy for profound transformation and healing across all layers of your being.

Please Note

The New Earth is a higher dimensional paradigm that is accessible by those who raise their vibration to perceive it, here now. It is a manifest realm of peace, love, and harmony. To enter this love-based paradigm, you must transmute and reintegrate the areas within yourself where fear—the hallmark of the old paradigm—resides and dissociation reigned, which typically anchors into your energy centers and fields of consciousness at subconscious levels you can’t access on your own. The energetic transformation you are guided through in the KA Method® encompasses your entire being, across all dimensional levels of yourself, alchemizing your energy to shift your vibration from fear into love, and providing activations to support the erection of lasting stable structures in your energy body so you may embody your light potential coherently. This journey guides you into the fundamental coherency required to achieve the New Earth within yourself, the comprehensive embodiment which, in turn, reshapes your external reality. As you become higher vibrational, you may unlock a life filled with abundance, Soul-level relationships, self-discovery, peace, prosperity, greater love, well-being, and purpose.

The KA Method® serves as a powerful activation tool, providing deep healing and attunements to higher frequencies that offer profound opportunities for personal and spiritual transformation. This work happens at a subtle energy level and will manifest in your physical reality once you have removed any lingering blockages that prevent you from receiving it. This may require further surrender through personal and spiritual development.

If you feel called to enter this transformative journey but are concerned that the content surpasses your current understanding, trust your Soul's knowing and follow your intuition. As you raise your vibration, a deeper understanding will naturally follow, as real wisdom blooms from within.

Accessing Further Knowledge

For more information about the structure of your energy body, you can download a free copy of "The Ascension Manual" here. This manual provides valuable insights into your energy body’s architecture and the steps towards achieving a higher vibrational state of being.

KA Method®

To stay informed on the next group session, register your interest below. To enjoy KA Method® 1:1, apply here.

Register for next group live session

  • The KA-Method container played an integral part on my healing journey. I healed and transmuted places within me, that felt insurmountable and learned how to integrate parts of myself that were finally ready to be re-membered. I learned how to ride the waves of my emotions and unlock trapped and fearful parts of myself. I feel lighter, more peaceful, and a deeper connection to my purpose. My deepest gratitude to you Kalianne, for your heart and dedication, your wisdom and razor sharp clarity that you brought to every session. You are a beautiful, healer, leader and a true inspiration. — Daniela P.

  • It’s hard to put into words my gratitude for Kalianne and her gifts and guidance. My experience with Kalianne through the KA Method has been amazing, life changing. Kalianne has helped me open my heart, my mind, and connect with my Soul. With her guidance I’ve not only been able to let go of what no longer serves me, but I am more connected to myself, nature, life, and Source/Spirit. There is a beautiful Soul within all of us that is connected to something bigger than ourselves and Kalianne has brought me closer to see this, and more aware of All That Is. I am forever grateful for her. — Erin S.

  • Kalianne has truly elevated and transformed my life for the better in every aspect. Not only in my relationship with myself, but also in my friendships, family, and career. Joining the KA Method guided me to finding my purpose and true happiness in all aspects of my life. I started by doing one-on-one sessions with Kalianne, and I then joined the KA method journey, which is where I could really feel the shift. Being in sacred space with her as a guide, alongside other like-minded women, has been a blessing, and made me not feel alone on my spiritual journey. — Shayna T.

  • I am forever grateful for the KA Method with Kalianne Kavara as it has been a spiritual and holistic building block of healing like no other. I experienced a profound transformation, and through Kalianne’s guided support I really feel like I achieved alignment to my Soul and my heart’s deepest purpose. — Stephanie P.

  • After my experience in KA Method, I began to function at a new level of life experience. I could feel dark energy within me open up and release. I feel clean from my past and connected to my inner light. I feel grounded in my body. I feel full of awe and wonder at life, like I have been reborn. I feel in touch with my Soul and the universe. It has had a profoundly beneficial impact on me. — Claudia L.

  • I now feel like I was sleeping through my life that I have experienced the awakening KA Method provides. The high-level energy healing created a release of suffering that has allowed me to feel fully alive and find my true self, whereas before, I felt a bit lost. I feel truly empowered now, and like I can take on the world, excited by genuinely believing the best is coming in now. — Kelly P.

KA Monthly

KA Monthly Container: Continuing Your Journey After Level 1


The KA Monthly Container is designed to deepen your spiritual practice and accelerate both personal and spiritual development after completing Level 1 of the KA Method®. This container offers a sphere of living techniques, guided meditations, healing practices, monthly gatherings, and devotional practices to lead you into a deeper relationship with yourself. By embodying the love that you truly are, you can express your true purpose and serve the world in meaningful ways.

Benefits of Joining the KA Monthly Container:

  1. Monthly Ceremonial Healings: Receive monthly ceremonial healings focused on charging your energy field and specifically, your Ka spiritual body. Each session immerses you in an etheric temple space, associated with the sun, where you receive higher dimensional light codes enhancing your spiritual energy and healing.

  2. Spiritual Community: Join a global spiritual community. Sacred connection with a global network of resonant individuals creates a foundation of support and offers energetic enhancement as higher dimensional Spiritual Guides work with individuals in group containers as there is more energy to reach higher/deeper realms, microcosmically reflected in the Self. Sharing and hearing their questions and shares works to support your journey.

  3. Personal and Spiritual Development: Benefit from behind-the-scenes support for your personal and spiritual growth, ensuring you have the guidance and energy needed as you align with and serve your purpose.

  4. Spiritual Sangha: Repeat participation in a spiritual ‘sangha’ that meets every Full Moon, reminiscent of the shamanic circles of ancient times, fosters a deepening of spiritual and inner connection as your mind relaxes into a sacred rhythm with the spiritual.

  5. And Much More: Experience a multitude of other benefits as you continue your journey with the KA Method® and awaken greater depth and higher light within.