November 1st - 7th

Samhain Pilgrimage

Journey into the heart of sacred Ireland

Embarking on a pilgrimage to Ireland is a journey into a realm where myths and legends intertwine with reality, where the veil between the seen and unseen is thin, and where the whispers of ancient spirits linger in the misty air. This sacred land is adorned with tales of fairies, dragons, and ancestral wisdom, all woven into the fabric of its rich history.

For millennia, Ireland's sacred sites have been revered as portals to the Otherworld, places where seekers can commune with the divine and reconnect with their innermost selves. Today, the call to pilgrimage beckons to those who seek deeper meaning and spiritual transformation.

As you set foot on Irish soil, you enter a realm of multidimensional power, where the very essence of the land catalyzes profound shifts within you. Here, amidst the rugged landscapes and ancient ruins, you undergo a process of accelerated growth and release, shedding layers of limitation and rediscovering the true essence of your being.

The Ireland Pilgrimage is both enchanting and intense, offering a journey of self-discovery and remembrance. It is a sacred quest to reconnect with the divine within yourself and honor the Earth as a sacred temple. Through this transformative journey, you awaken to the power of the Sacred, emerging forever transformed and reconnected with your authentic Self.

“I was intuitively guided to go on a spiritual pilgrimage to Ireland with Kalianne not knowing what to expect. I just felt like I needed healing and surrendering into the unknown sounded so mystical and mysterious. I have never done any deep healing work so my world was awakened in so many ways from this trip. Not only was it profound to connect to the land in a way I didn’t know possible, Kalianne guided me through such deep healing and transformation that even during our trip, my manifestations began to happen. I now have the courage and awareness to release old patterns that no longer serve me and embrace my innate gifts and talents. She is inspiring me to step boldly into the life I was meant to live. I consider it a rare blessing to have my first spiritual pilgrimage to be in the presence of someone who not only has extraordinary gifts, but holds themselves with authenticity, compassion and wisdom that far exceeds anyone I have ever met. Kalianne is real magic.”

- Lyndsay H.

What People Are Saying

  • My pilgrimage with Kalianne was life changing in the most positive ways, it was filled with love and light. I didn't know Kalianne, nor Ireland, prior to the pilgrimage and she organized everything, the routes, the hotels we stayed at, the offerings, the ceremonies, the magical places she brought us to, everything felt so effortlessly planned and fully connected. She is a highly intuitive and spiritually guided being, filled with love and light to share with the world. Everything flowed. I worked through so many barriers, blockages, old beliefs that needed to be released and it was the most easeful healing path I had ever been on. I trusted her and fully embraced the pilgrimage and it gave me back so much wisdom, and so much happiness, I was filled with love. I will be forever grateful for her work and for opening and holding these spaces for me. I always felt that to reach this place I had to suffer and with Kalianne I learned that it can actually be a gentle process, an easeful release into this miraculous realm. She has a gift and the best part is that she is sharing it with others, she empowers you to find your own power within and that was the biggest gift she could ever give me. She showed me that it is all within me. Kalianne from my heart to yours thank you thank you thank you.  — Martina A.

  • My pilgrimage to Ireland has been on my sacred to do list for decades. Kalianne shows up in her true lineage knowledge and power to guide others to these most sacred places for their souls evolutionary journey. I am deeply and profoundly grateful for my time with her and with the land. It takes a great deal of wisdom, strength, and energy to hold sacred space for others on their pilgrimage and Kalianne masterfully not only held us, but also created expansion, increased vision space/clarity for me personally, and landed much needed change in my life into the physical plane. The last blocks for me were removed gently and I’m still in awe of the shifts that are happening in my life because of this experience. Only Gratitude. — Amy M.

  • Going to Ireland with Kalianne as a guide was one of the most enriching experiences of my life. It is difficult to find words to express the magnitude of transformation that took place during this trip. Kalianne orchestrated a journey to sacred sites that was profoundly empowering. With her guidance, I was able to shed layer upon layer of burdens that I was not aware that I carried. I left Ireland feeling lighter, stronger, and more in tune with my essence. I will be forever grateful. — Kelly O.

  • When feeling called to sign-up up for anything, it’s usually something significant. This Pilgrimage was one such event that didn’t disappoint. Kalianne’s knowledge and understanding of these sacred sites we traversed revealed amazing healing energies which I am continuing to take in. Ireland is a country with a very high vibrational field. A place one can open and clear places within that you may not know you carry. It is all about having the right guide to assist you. Kalianne is that person. Kalianne respects and honors the sites prior to dropping into their energies. Nature’s symbiotic ways can benefit us if one understands that, Kalianne does, which was such a gift in itself. I continue to call back the energy’s I received along this pilgrimage. A gift that brought me home to myself in a way no words can express. I am forever grateful. Kalianne, thank you. — Regina P.

  • The pilgrimage to Ireland was one of the most amazing life experiences that I have ever had. Kalianne is an unbelievable guide. She is very in-tune to the energy around her and is able to provide guidance and comfort throughout the journey. Her passion for the work shines through and she has incredible knowledge of the land. The experiences that I had during Ireland were transformational. Kalianne created a safe space that allowed for the ability to look inward and shift internally. I highly recommend this experience to anyone that is embarking on a personal journey within! I will hold this pilgrimage in my heart forever. — Mackenzie O.

  • My experience with Kalianne through the pilgrimage in Ireland was a magical, expansive, and truly life changing. Kalianne’s knowledge of the sacred sites and way of guiding each of us each on our Individual journeys was beautifully thought out and made me feel safe physically and spiritually. It's been a magical journey even weeks after the pilgrimage watching my life shift in positive ways and feeling more grounded than ever before. I can’t wait to join another one of Kalianne’s Pilgrimages in the future. —Shayna T.

Embarking on a sacred pilgrimage of Ireland with Kalianne Kavara offers a profound journey of inner reconnection and healing. As you traverse the sacred sites steeped in primordial power, you tap into the ancient wisdom of your ancestors, the Earth, and Spirit. These sites serve as potent portals for releasing dense pain and shadows accumulated over time, clearing space within for the return of your Soul light into your being.

During the pilgrimage, shamanic ceremonies act as rites of passage, guiding you into Otherworld dimensions where you receive high-frequency spirit medicine tailored to your needs. Through these transformative experiences, you undergo a process of rebirth, emerging anew with a heightened sense of clarity, purpose, and connection to the Sacred.

What happens on pilgrimage?

Shamanic Healing at Sacred Sites

You are guided on a private tour by Kalianne to sacred sites across Ireland, connecting into the energy of the Earth, and your inner most world, as you are led through deep shamanic healing at these places of primordial power.

Holistic Nurturing with Local Energy

Pilgrimaging is balanced with luxuriating in local Irish healing remedies such as seaweed baths, eating good local food at handpicked places, and staying in Soul-nurturing locations. As you are being guided you are immersed in the beauty of this land, led to incredible places that restore your enchantment with the world.

Entering the sacred

The sacred sites are multidimensional portals of primordial power that transform you in radical ways, which have been honored for thousands of years, you simply need to arrive and open to being guided to heal in one day what it could take you lifetimes to achieve.

Self- Empowerment

As you explore the depth of power of the Earth, it guides you into the remembering of your own deepest power and potential. You experience the awakening of places that lay dormant, hidden in your depths, masked by shadow, to rise again into your full authentic self-expression, rejuvenated and restored.


The main thing people are experiencing is the "death" of their shadow body—the release of accumulated pain, fear, and negativity that have long overshadowed their true essence. In its place, there is a restoration of their inner light, a radiant beacon of authenticity and divine presence. This restoration feels like coming home to oneself. Following this, individuals often find themselves effortlessly drawing forth the manifestation of miracles they had once only dared to dream of.

BECOMING A warrior PRIEST/ESS of earth

Reclaiming your connection with the Earth and the spiritual realm ignites a profound transformation within you, awakening the dormant essence of an empowered Warrior of the Light. As you journey through this reclamation process, you rediscover your innate role as a Priest/ess of Earth, entrusted with the sacred flame of divine energy within you.

Your Guide

Kalianne Kavara serves as a Guide on the sacred pilgrimage of Ireland; a trained Shamanic practitioner and an initiated Celtic Medicine Woman, she is known as a “Walker between Worlds,” leading you to traverse the realms of spirit and matter with grace and wisdom to receive profoundly deep healing.

Throughout the pilgrimage, Kalianne takes you to sacred sites steeped in mysticism and power, facilitating ceremonies that open gateways to multidimensional exchange. Here, you may call back what has been lost with the support of the ancestors and Spiritual Worlds.

Kalianne sings songs of the Spirits and leads you into remembering your inner strength so you may reclaim your authentic power. It is a sacred journey of self-discovery in which you may find your way Home to yourSelf.

— Kamali’i

My journey on the sacred Ireland pilgrimage with Kalianne was nothing short of life-changing. From the moment we began, Kalianne’s deep knowledge, intuition, and gentle guidance created a profound sense of connection to the land, the ancestors, and the spiritual energies that inhabit Ireland.

Kalianne led us through ancient sites and sacred spaces with such reverence and respect that it was impossible not to feel the powerful presence of the history and spirituality that surrounded us. Her ability to weave together stories, rituals, and meditative practices allowed me to experience these places not just as a visitor, but as a participant in a living, breathing tradition.

Throughout the pilgrimage, Kalianne was an unwavering source of support, wisdom, and love. She created a space where I could explore my own spiritual journey, process deep emotions, and reconnect with my soul’s purpose. Her insights and encouragement helped me to uncover layers of my being that I had not fully understood before, leading to profound personal healing and transformation.

One of the most remarkable aspects of this pilgrimage was Kalianne’s ability to make each moment feel sacred. Whether we were standing on a windswept cliff, meditating in a quiet grove, or simply sharing stories in the car or over a meal, she infused every experience with meaning and intention. I left Ireland with a deeper sense of peace, purpose, and connection to the world around me, and I know that this journey will continue to influence my life for years to come.

I am deeply grateful to Kalianne for guiding me on this sacred pilgrimage. Her wisdom, grace, and compassion made this journey an unforgettable and transformative experience. If you are seeking a profound connection to the sacred, I cannot recommend a pilgrimage with Kalianne highly enough.

Benefits Can Include

Benefits Can Include

  • Release of toxic energy from your mind and emotions, a deep cleansing of old energy you no longer need to hold onto, the removal of your 'shadow body.'

  • Deepening of inner connection, and with your connection to the Earth, nature, and the divine.

  • Soul retrieval to reintegrate fragmented aspects of your being, stepping into a profound embrace of all of yourself.

  • Healing across this lifetime and past ones, including the deepest level trauma release and karma cleansing.

  • Ancestral healing to clear detrimental energy passed down through generations.

  • Energetic rejuvenation, regeneration, and elevation, inspiring your ascension.

  • Connection to the Otherworld, and your spirituality, expanding your multidimensional awareness.

  • The experience of coming home to yourSelf in complete embodiment of mind, body, and Soul.The arrival of new depths of self-power.

  • Reclamation of life force (sexual energy) so you can manifest all you desire at a Soul level into the physical

  • The shedding layers of limitation to emerge in your authenticity & strength.

For Private 1:1, and Group Bookings