KA Method® Monthly

Community of the White Eagle

Meeting 1x p/month under the light of the Full Moon

We come together in sacred ceremony, you receive

Multidimensional healing, energetic elevation, deepening of connection


  • Event Calendar

    Within the KA Monthly portal you have access to the monthly events calendar.

  • Recorded Videos

    Within the KA Monthly portal you have access to all the recorded sessions.

  • Channelled Messages

    Within the KA Monthly portal you have access to channelled messages and content shared only with this container.

Maintain Your Momentum

  • Monthly Ceremony

    A monthly ceremony is hosted for you to receive high vibrational frequencies to help you retain the charge you require to stabilize the embodiment of your highest potential and remain attuned to your highest potential paradigm of life. Kalianne has moved to Ireland and is the neighbor of many sacred sites to facilitate holding space for this container to keep those ready plugged into a higher realm. Remaining plugged into a higher vibrational space supports your energy system as you flow through your evolutionary cycle. You receive more life force, which supports every layer of your life experience. You will be infused monthly with energy that supports your KA (Soul Light) embodiment, which enhances your experience of life and ability to manifest your highest potential.

  • Spiritual Community

    When people gather together in a group, forming a sacred community of light, it has a more powerful impact on each individual, as there is greater momentum. This is why the ancients would gather in temples and shamanic circles, and so we gather in community, and you are guided achieve and sustain higher vibrational energy. This is an ongoing container with space held for your evolution, even outside of ceremony as you are in your daily life. This is a community for your Soul, as you connect with a network of global Light Workers coming together to continue to heal themselves and maintain their energy for the good of all, it is deep heart resonance taking place that feels fulfilling when we gather together.

  • Sustained Guidance

    In order to ascend, meaning to attain a higher level of being, you must stabilize and sustain higher dimensional energy. The more you plug into higher dimensional energy, the more you achieve greater charge, and that charge creates momentum that you require to uplevel your holistic being. You will be receiving sustained guidance on the collective healing journey we are all on, and continue being held in high energy to support your walk into a higher paradigm of light, experienced as peace, joy, and love.

  • Staying Plugged Into Higher Light

    A higher light grid is available on Earth now. It is a matter of achieving it within yourself, becoming higher vibratory yourself. When you plug into it in repetition, your energy system begins to attune to it, and it becomes more a part of your life experience, which will enhance your well-being. Being a part of a focused, intentional, healing monthly container supports you in remaining plugged in. One KA Monthly ceremony is akin to 100 personal meditation sessions, you receive tremendous energetic support.

More Information

DATE & TIME: Hosted on the Full Moon of every month for 60 minutes

LOCATION: Zoom Video All sessions will be recorded

ENERGY EXCHANGE: $111 per month

KA Monthly Container: Continuing Your Journey After Level 1


The KA Monthly Container is designed to deepen your spiritual practice and accelerate both personal and spiritual development after completing Level 1 of the KA Method®. This container offers a sphere of living techniques, guided meditations, healing practices, monthly gatherings, and devotional practices to lead you into a deeper relationship with yourself. By embodying the love that you truly are, you can express your true purpose and serve the world in meaningful ways.

Benefits of Joining the KA Monthly Container:

  1. Monthly Ceremonial Healings: Receive monthly ceremonial healings focused on charging your energy field with attunements to the white light Christ flame, enhancing your spiritual energy and healing.

  2. Spiritual Community: Join a spiritual community known since the Atlantean epoch as the ‘Order of the White Eagle.’ Each session immerses you in this etheric temple space, where you receive higher dimensional light codes to accelerate your development and connect with a global network of like-minded individuals.

  3. Personal and Spiritual Development: Benefit from behind-the-scenes support for your personal and spiritual growth, ensuring you have the guidance and energy needed for your journey.

  4. Global Ascension Guidance: Gain insights and guidance on the current global ascension process, helping you navigate these transformative times with real-time information and support.

  5. Monthly Lightcodes: Enjoy receiving monthly Angelic-Celestial and Dragon-Primordial lightcodes for healing and regeneration, fostering deep inner transformation and rejuvenation.

  6. Spiritual Sangha: Participate in a spiritual ‘sangha’ that meets every Full Moon, reminiscent of the shamanic circles of ancient times, fostering a sense of connection and communal support.

  7. Global Spiritual Community: Become part of a global spiritual community gathering with sacred purpose, enhancing everyone's life with increased energetic momentum and beneficial energy. Strengthen your bond with Spiritual Guides, Arch Angels, and Ascended Masters who support this work.

  8. And Much More: Experience a multitude of other benefits as you continue your journey with the KA Method® and align more deeply with your spiritual purpose.

Commitment to Growth:

By joining the KA Monthly Container, you commit to an ongoing process of spiritual growth and healing, supported by a dedicated community and powerful energetic practices. This journey will enable you to remember and access the treasures within your own heart, truly serving your designed purpose and embodying the love that you are.

KA Method Monthly
Every month